It’s Valentine’s Day. Do You Know Where Your Roses Are?

Mine are in the closet. The bathroom closet to be exact. Well, right now they are where I can see them, but when I’m not at home they have to go in the closet. They have to spend the night there, too.

Why? Because I have this cat. As you can see, she’s enamored by the roses. And the baby’s breath.

Maizey Roses
The first thing she had to do was taste them. Yummy, I’m sure. Next she had to nudge them. Not good considering they came in a lovely, tall, glass vase.

Beautiful as that vase is, it would never do with the curious cat about. What to do?

Find one with a broader base, naturally.

Luckily for Maizey, the roses look even better in the antique coffee pot. Now if they could just stay out of the closet.

Carrot Cake, Anyone?

So I’m leading this Acts of Kindness group at my church, and in an effort to find a different kind of act of kindness, I discovered that today is National Carrot Cake Day. Well, who knew such a day existed? As it happens, there are all kinds of weird National Days we are going to have fun with.

Yesterday I started my quest to purchase a carrot cake to give away. Turns out, finding a carrot cake is a tad more difficult than I thought it would be. One placeĀ used to have a huge, delicious, reasonably priced carrot cake, but they now have a much smaller, not as beautiful one for $17.98. Um, no. To the side were cupcakes with a couple of carrot cake cupcakes mixed in, but I wanted all carrot cake cupcakes.

Today, I called a local place, but carrot cake has to be special ordered. Hmmm. I’m thinking they should have had some for this National Carrot Cake Day.

I could have baked carrot cake or cupcakes at home like one of my more industrious group members did–way to go!–but that would have required baking. Didn’t happen.

Finally, I went to Publix and got the beauty you see above. To make it even better, when I was checking out, I asked the nice lady ringing it up if she liked carrot cake. She exclaimed, “I LOVE carrot cake, and this is the best!”

“It’s yours,” I said.

Of course she wanted to know why, so I told her it is National Carrot Cake Day, and I wanted her to have it. Her face beamed.

I love it when all the parts of an act of kindness come together so well.

Now go eat some carrot cake.